ITSec Exercises Updated 
IT Security
4. Semester: Computer Science
Notes Links to exercises and assigments


Blockchain Online Teaching by Michael Claudius
Description/Subjects Slideshow Tutorials/Videos Used Assignments

Overview of lessons
Introduction to Blockchain
Introduction to Blockchain

Blockchain Slides (PP)

Blockchain Slides (PDF)




Blockchain questions
Mandatory Blockchain project


ManInMiddle(MiM) Attacks Teaching by Michael Claudius
Description/Subjects Slideshow Tutorials/Videos Used Assignments

Overview of lessons
Introduction to ManInMiddle
Introduction to ManInMiddle

ManInMiddle Slides (PP)

ManInMiddle Slides (PDF)




ManInMiddle Attack Excercise PDF


Kali Linux Tools Teaching by Michael Claudius
Description/Subjects Slideshow Tutorials/Videos Used Assignments

Overview of lessons
Introduction to Kali Linux
Introduction to Kali Linux

Kali Linux Slides (PP)

Kali Linux Slides (PDF)




Kali-Linux Tools PDF


Metasploit Teaching by Michael Claudius
Description/Subjects Slideshow Tutorials/Videos Used Assignments

Overview of lessons
Introduction to Metasploit
Introduction to Metasploit

Hacking Slides (PP)

Hacking Slides (PDF)

Metasploit Slides (PDF) N/A


  • Video from lessons
  • Link MS Streams

Metasploit Investigation

Metasploitable Installation

Pentest on Metasploitable vs. 1.0


Web Service Tutorials
Description/Subjects Tutorials Exercises

Theoretical Web Service Concepts
SOAP, XML, consumer, provider
Introduction 0 Web Service Concepts

Introduction 0 Web Service Concepts Download Java Netbeans

Set up of Web service consumer
wsdl file, generated web services
Introduction 1 Web Service Currency Consumer

Introduction 1 Web Service Currency Consumer

Set up of local Web service provider
Web service class, operations, @Webparam, @Webname
Introduction 2 Web Service Calculator Provider

Introduction 2 Web Service Calculator Provider

Web Service Calculator

Set up of Web service consumer
wsdl file, generated web services
Introduction 3 Web Service Calculator Consumer

Introduction 3 Web Service Calculator Consumer

Web Service Calculator

Catching SOAP exceptions
Introduction 4 Web Service Exception Handling

Introduction 4 Web Service Exception Handling  


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